
In 2008, Odin Diving A/S was founded in Greenland with the purpose of conducting diving service on vessels in northern Greenland.

In 2008-2010 Odin Diving A/S worked with local harbor renovations and maintenance & repair of ships.

In 2011 Odin Diving A/S had a sub-contract with an oil exploration company, providing diving support during the 7 month contract, mainly on supply vessels, along with inshore ship maintenance and repair.

In 2012 Odin Diving A/S had several major harbor renovations, along with inshore ship maintenance and repair. We also had key personnel on courses in management, diving skill courses and technical courses.

In 2013 Odin Diving A/S created a branch in Aalborg in Denmark, in order to establish itself as a supplier to the offshore industry in Denmark. We also had divers working on several projects in the Dutch, German, Danish and English sector of the North Sea within the oil/ gas sector and the renewable sector.

​In 2014 Odin Diving A/S had several divers working in Asia and North Sea on ship and rig maintenance & repair and on construction and maintenance projects in the North Sea.

In 2015-2018 Odin Diving A/S focused on shipping maintenance in Scandinavian waters, as well as inspection and maintenance on jack-up rigs during yard stay.

In 2019 Odin Diving A/S moved its workshop and office to Frederikshavn in Denmark to be closer to the main work area which is the anchorages at SKAW and Gothenburg.

In 2020 Odin Diving A/S hired 2 diving superintendents with major international experience on permanent contracts to be able to offer more services and complete more complex jobs.

In 2022 Odin Diving A/S purchased the service boat SILJO to be able to provide our clients with better services with shorter notice times.

In 2023, we expanded our operations to the ROV sector to offer advanced solutions in underwater inspection and cleaning. We invested in two types of remotely operated vehicles, each specifically designed to cater to unique operational needs within the subsea industry.


PIER 6 -4
9900 Frederikshavn

TLF.: (+45) 98 15 30 30

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